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“It's good to be just plain happy, it's a little better to know that you're happy; but to understand that you're happy and to know why and how and still be happy, be happy in the being and the knowing, well that is beyond happiness, that is bliss.” Henry Miller

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Brunch with friends at Perini Ranch

Our sweet friend, Leon, passed away last week. We met him through Pam and Larry, and really learned to love him in the past few years. We were invited to share a meal with Pam's family and Doug and Theta at the famous Perinni Ranch Sunday afternoon.

I just had to take a little video of the cows. How often do you walk through a herd of cows on the way to eat Sunday Brunch.

Of course, we had to wait for our meal, as the Ranch is popular and busy. We enjoyed visiting in the back of the restaurant. It was a beautiful spring day. Here are Pam and Trish, who are like daughters to me.

This is a picture of Trish, Pam, Larry, and Doug and Owen.

Pam, me, Trish, Amy and Phillip, in this shot. I love the cow skulls. I loved spending time with sweet friends.

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